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7 tips to maintain your mental health

how to maintain your mental health?

In recent years, people have realized the importance of a proper diet and exercise, and recent surveys have shown that over the past 20 years, people have been eating better and exercising more often, resulting in people living longer. However, people still lack the understanding that mental health is just as important as their physical health. Today, most people do on average 4 to 6 hours of exercise each day and make sure everything they put in their mouths isn't full of sugars or preservatives, but they don't care about their mental health, no vacations, not even for the occasional long weekend week, 60 hours per week, taking work with the home and even working on weekends. All this with the hope of getting that big promotion someday. What a good thing to do when your mind is overworked and you have a meltdown at the office. Ultimately, your physical health will suffer no matter how well you eat and exercise. You will end up with high blood pressure, stress, and tension, all of which increase your chances of having a stroke or heart attack.

7 tips to maintain your mental health

7 tips to maintain your mental health

Hoping to help you avoid this, I'm giving you the things I do to keep my mental health at its best.

ride on Harley :

My absolute favorite thing to refocus myself on is to go on a long ride on a Harley. Nothing brings the world back into focus like a free ride like the wind, and there is no better form of therapy as far as I'm concerned.

Meditation :

Some may think that it is challenging to implement this, but with ease and simplicity, sit with yourself and keep all electronic devices away from you, even the ones you are following us from now! And sit alone for a few minutes and start with a short meditation session, you may notice a little calm, and with the days, believe me, you will thank yourself for that! I promise you!

gratitude :

Gratitude Does a sad person know what gratitude is? Or is it forgotten? Some people do not remember their last gratitude session! The secret to being happy is gratitude. Try daily to be grateful for five things in your life and gradually double the number, the magical and beautiful thing is the feeling of gratitude that appears from your first attempt Try it with a sincere heart!

watching TV :

I also enjoy watching TV for an hour or two every night, a few light sitcoms are a great way to lighten your brain, and laughing out loud for 30 seconds every day is a great way to de-stress.

Play a game :

Video games are also great for de-stressing, if you are mad at your boss, what better way to get them out of you than boxing, just imagine you are bombing your boss and hoping you don't lose.

Talk to someone you love:

Especially these days, do not forget your loved ones! Talk to them and be close to them and do not be aggressive let them take care of you! Tell them how you feel, and ask them what you prefer to do? It may remind you of things you like to spend your time on.

 Do your hobby :

Believe me, this is the time to practice and indulge yourself with all your skills, one skill, two skills, three, just experiment until you feel comfortable and serenity.

Ways to maintain your mental health:

  1. ride on Harley.
  2. Meditation.
  3. gratitude.
  4. watching TV.
  5. Play a game.
  6. Talk to someone you love.
  7. Do your hobby.

mental health :

And in the end, not only these methods will save your mental health, you can always try your own way!. I hope you try some of these techniques or think of some of your own to help reduce stress in your life and keep your mental health as good as everyone else.
